For at fargene virkeig skal komme til sin rett, er det viktig å ha en nøytal ramme rundt.
Farger som fungerer godt er grått, hvitt og beige. Bruk den nøytrale fargen du liker best:)
For the colors to really to come out, it is important to have a Neutral setting.
Colors that work well are gray, white and beige. Use the neutral color you like best:)
Lamps and pillows:
Farger som fungerer godt er grått, hvitt og beige. Bruk den nøytrale fargen du liker best:)
For the colors to really to come out, it is important to have a Neutral setting.
Colors that work well are gray, white and beige. Use the neutral color you like best:)
Lamps and pillows:
Have the best day!